Strangely specific gripe

By Anonymous - 30/12/2024 01:00 - Lithuania

Today, I saw some of my parents' recent social media posts. They spent the holidays at the five star Radisson Blu hotel on Gran Canaria for a week, while I'm homeless in Moscow, struggling with bad shoes and improper clothes. I don't deserve the FML as I wasn't responsible for what caused my situation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 354
You deserved it 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I cannot help wondering if OP did something to alienate their family? Or is it just a case of a dysfunctional family? How old is OP, I assume they are an adult which usually means you are supposed to function on your own.... While this is a lousy situation, I cannot help wondering just what led to it.


I cannot help wondering if OP did something to alienate their family? Or is it just a case of a dysfunctional family? How old is OP, I assume they are an adult which usually means you are supposed to function on your own.... While this is a lousy situation, I cannot help wondering just what led to it.