Nice try

By haus - 19/01/2010 19:38 - United States

Today, I had to go to court to see whether my driver's license is suspended for an entire year. I woke up early, went to court, and everything went perfectly, with all the charges being dropped. Unfortunately, I then woke up, and am now going to be late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 290
You deserved it 31 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But you still found time to post here? YDI

he probably did it after the meeting you dumbass


yet you had time to post on here before rushing off to court? u sound like such an idiot u SHOULD lose ur license for a year. what'd you do? extreme dui? reckless driving? in PA it's bullshit, for a dui u get 30 day suspended license, for reckless driving u get an entire year and for underage drinking 90 days. dui'ers are putting peoples lives at risk, underage drinkers aren't yet they get 3 times the penalty

uhohuscrewedup 0
akotus 0

I hate dreaming when it's that realistic

it sucks they get your waking life for minimum wage, but now they get your dreams for free?

marine10_fml 0

should have said the taxi was late.

Then stop posting on F My Life and get your ass to court!

As of now, that is what we call "wishful thinking." Have fun on the metro.

Is there anything you are about except your sorry self? You have no consideration for others since your license is about to be suspended. And do you think the judge and the people who'll be going to court for the pleasure of watching have nothing better to do than wait for you? I hope they sue you and force you to pay the gas they wasted for going there for nothing. Be on time when people are waiting next time. I guess telling you to drive better won't be necessary.