Nice try

By haus - 19/01/2010 19:38 - United States

Today, I had to go to court to see whether my driver's license is suspended for an entire year. I woke up early, went to court, and everything went perfectly, with all the charges being dropped. Unfortunately, I then woke up, and am now going to be late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 290
You deserved it 31 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But you still found time to post here? YDI

he probably did it after the meeting you dumbass


epoh_fml 0

I never could understand how someone sleeps through an alarm.

Some people have a sleeping disorder. My brother does. His alarm clocks wakes everyone up, but him.

So, of course, since you're running late, you have time to get on FML and write about it

1) Guys, it's pretty obvious what OP meant, if you had to read it a few times I worry for you... 2) OP; you deserve it for doing something bad enough to potentially get your license taken away in the first place. 3) You also deserve it because you seemed to somehow find time to post this on FML even after getting up late anyway. 4) Makes me wonder if it's fake...

everyone needs to RELAX. just because he wrote it like that doesnt mean he took the time to go on FML instead of getting his ass to court... its probably in the past tense.

sportsnut 0

set like 4 alarm clocks so your not late.

You should probably stay in your dream life. You're probably also attractive, smart and intelligent there.