Nice try

By haus - 19/01/2010 19:38 - United States

Today, I had to go to court to see whether my driver's license is suspended for an entire year. I woke up early, went to court, and everything went perfectly, with all the charges being dropped. Unfortunately, I then woke up, and am now going to be late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 290
You deserved it 31 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

But you still found time to post here? YDI

he probably did it after the meeting you dumbass


so when you woke up late, instead of hauling your ass to the court house, you decided to get online and tell everyone about it? woww... good one

zzz... read the comments before posting one. It's been stated about 5 times that OP obviously posted this AFTER he went to court. What makes you think he wrote it before going? Because of the verb tenses? Didn't you noticed FML's are obligated to have '' Today, '' at the start of them? Oh I guess writting this was useless, these uninstructed kids can't read more than 2 lines without being confused.

yep DUI's suck I just got one a couple months ago, my mom takes me to work hahahhh

iamtheplatypus 0
gigi2009 0

Well obviously if you're chilling online. How'd it go?

Jokermon 0

Bahahahahahaha, I love this FML. And for the people that say he should have bought an alarm clock, did it ever occur to you that he might have? That he could have just slept through it??

YEAH! Because your too busy posting this bloody FML!!!

ha hope u get fined heaps and u lose ur lisence more than a year for being late

bluecheese88 0
xxochristineox 3

omg I once had a dream on a Friday that I went to school and went through my whole day, classes, luch, everything then I woke up and thought it was Saturday...

yet u still post this on a website before u leave