
By happypineapple - 17/07/2014 03:31 - Australia - Scarborough

Today, I went to a market. I saw stall which had mainly animal furs and things like that. I found a rounded, furry pen and stroked my cheek with it. Wondering what it was, being so soft and oddly shaped, I checked the tag. It was kangaroo testicles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 684
You deserved it 19 909

Same thing different taste


Well I've eaten goat testicles and found out afterwards so I'm not all certain I can agree on an FYL. :d

Kamendae 2

Follow the bouncing ball(s)...

Serves you right for thinking animal carcasses sold for decoration is cute.

PL0WW 20

You saw stall. I love lamp.