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By Kai Curtis - 17/01/2023 18:00 - United States - Exton

Today, I went to the bar because, I like to go to the bar every Saturday, but wearing a wedding ring so people wouldn't hit on me. But when I went this time, I forgot my ring and people still didn’t hit on me. So now I know it has nothing to do with the ring at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 285
You deserved it 1 020

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While trying to pick people up at bars does happen, it's not as common as people think. most people are out at the bar just to mind their own and have a good time

I am not sure why you're upset that something you don't want to happen... didn't happen?


You have to advertise better, try showing more skin. js

While trying to pick people up at bars does happen, it's not as common as people think. most people are out at the bar just to mind their own and have a good time

I am not sure why you're upset that something you don't want to happen... didn't happen?

Marcella1016 31