No good deed…

By Pierce - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was with my 14 year-old son when we saw a baby sparrow being attacked by four or five blackbirds. We rushed up, waving our arms and scared away the much bigger attackers. The baby sparrow ran toward us for protection, then went past both of us, and ran straight down a storm sewer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 215
You deserved it 4 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments


CourtneyDanielle_fml 9
awscrewit 0

Oh my god that's so sad ;(

madam_mayham 0

This is a seriously ridiculous FML as it does not even appertain to your personal life, but rather the life of the baby sparrow. Pointless...

This is the saddest fml I've ever read.

so sad :[ and this is totally FML cuz this person was there to see it and they failed at saving a bird.

XxFMLxX1 0