No, not you
By ditched - 06/08/2014 03:35 - United States - Ashland
By ditched - 06/08/2014 03:35 - United States - Ashland
By seeking new employment - 07/01/2016 01:55 - United States - San Francisco
By demispark - 24/04/2013 14:10 - United States - West Palm Beach
By Joel - 02/09/2009 04:29 - United States
By z…… - This FML is from back in 2008 but it's good stuff - Greece
By That_guy - 12/02/2012 06:02 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/04/2022 11:00 - United States - Chicago
By Welp - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Romania
By rcarn - 12/06/2015 14:25 - United States - Leesburg
By Anonymous - 19/06/2012 20:59 - Canada - Dartmouth
By Notwanted - 20/04/2021 17:00
It's like dane cook. . ."******* bryan is coming!" or maybe it's Karen the douchebag. . . get some different friends op, not worth the stress
'Accidentally' invite them to go f@!# themselves. Provided you aren't the dick of course...
well, at least you kept the old spot for new friends ;)
In all honesty, maybe you should figure out why they don't like you? It could be them, but maybe it's you. I once had a co-worker that no one liked because she was mean and rude to all of us. We never invited her anywhere because of her attitude. Anyway, try and figure out what's wrong and try to change.
So co workers aren't allowed to hangout bc they get along with each other without inviting someone who makes no attempt at social graces or doesnt share the same interests/lifestyle? Sorry, that's bullshit. it's not like they were giving her swirlies in the restroom and pulling immature pranks. Part of growing up also includes realizing that not everyone is going to like you and they are not required to include you in their social agendas just to make you feel better. That being said, inviting the person and then ditching them without notice is very immature, and I'm sorry OP had to deal with that, even if he is a douche in RL.
Well I don't know about you, but when someone is acting like a bitch i tend to just avoid them as much as possible. Especially when it's a work place situation and confrontations can sometimes just make it worse and then you're stuck with them knowing how much you dislike them. And god forbid they get a promotion... If the hateful conduct is causing problems in the work place, yes confronting the individual is necessary and recommended, but when it comes to social engagements no one owes them an explanation for jack, and unless they ask you directly why volunteer your opinion? If they are that big of a bitch they probably don't care about your opinion anyway. However were I in OP's position, i would probably initiate the conversation myself and ask why they did that and what they had against me. Its one thing to just not bother with a person and another to invite them on an outing then blow them off, wasting their time.
kinda like stifler from american pie
I don't know how this suddenly turned into a confrontation and calling people bitches and using the word 'hate'. People won't getting along all the time in life, that's a fact. Yet there is a way of using words to address issues without it suddenly becoming war; you just tell them your honest opinion without all this emotive language and judging, making your point about how you feel. They can take it or leave it. I find it really saddening that people today can't exist between either being so far up each other's asses or wanting to murder each other. People need to learn how to communicate better, especially if jobs are at risk.
Does anyone have real friends?
That's a damn good question!
Meh, friends are so last century, Who needs them!
leave them deserve better..
What assholes
Wow. Those guys are evil
You don't need them, you have us
Then "accidentally" get new friends