By face - 25/03/2009 05:45 - United States

Today, my friends decided that I eat too many snacks. To emphasize this point, they went behind my back and printed 300 pages with my face and the words "NO SNACKS" on them. They were posted in every academic building on campus, including every room I have class in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 267
You deserved it 10 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cococola 0

Clearly you snack too much, and you have friends who are a loved gorger.


MrsJJ 0

I'm with cococola. Stupid asshole friends.

would you rather they kept giving you snacks until you got FATTER??!!?? when you're all ill with obesity related diseases a few years down the line you'll wish with all your heart you'd seen the signs all around you! and they were there so you have no excuse i used to be FAT but i stopped snacking and now *drum roll please* i'm not! PUT THE CAKE DOWN!

your friends don't want you to be a fatass anymore. so you can live to be older. you will thanks them later if you change.

That is going way overboard. I hate attracting too much attention.

That's funny as hell, unless it's, like, high school. Then it's bitchy. Now, I'd like to hear your ideas for revenge. My suggestion is to do the same thing, only use a group picture of them, and type at the bottom "I have no snacks.. because these bitches at 'em all." Actually that's not clever or funny... someone else in this thread will have a good one I'm sure.

Hopersz 0

Then they sure as hell wasted a crap load of paper. Save the trees lol

jskibabe22 4

why is that so bad??? no one knows that the signs are meant for u.

she said that the signs had a picture of her face on them. obviously they were meant for her

she said that the signs had a picture of her face on them. obviously they were meant for her