Not a morning person

By crazybitch - 18/06/2012 04:57 - Canada - Okotoks

Today, I learned that when my girlfriend told me that she's a different person without coffee and smokes in the morning, she wasn't kidding; after I'd asked her how she'd slept, she bitched me out for "mocking her" and hurled a hairdryer at my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 010
You deserved it 4 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

catanita 18

So, morning sex is out of the question.

Well, loads of people can't go without their regular caffeine intake in the morning. I know my hands start trembling if I don't have my hot brew in the morning. It's really bad though.


she's nuts run plus smoking is a disgusting habit.

It also has this really annoying thing where its an addiction, too. Far harder to quit than if it were just a habit. Ultimately, I do agree with 114 - though as a former smoker I understand that its an extremely hard hurdle to overcome. Regardless, she's your girlfriend, and shouldn't be treating you like that, nicotine and caffeine withdraws notwithstanding. Maybe have a sit down and tell her no one likes being treated that way. Good luck OP

Just like my not attempt conversation til she has had coffee. Say all that must be said during a 3am drunk call, then talk to her after lunch. At least that's what I do....she's gotten used to it though, and thank god lives 2 hours away....

fatalwish 6

after the hairdryer incident i belive it is time for shienannigans load the hair dryer with flour catch her in the shower and dump cold water over the curtain and various other funny pranks to get her back

I don't drink coffee or smoke, but I have a similar problem (and so do my mother and grandmother). Ever since I was a baby, after I wake up (naturally, never wake me up!!) I need to have 30 minutes all to myself. I cannot stand any sounds or anyone talking to me during those 30 minutes, or else I get really, really cranky. Luckily my boyfriend has to leave work right as I wake up, so it isn't so bad for us ;)

Lulblast 4

Damn, a wild psycho bitch has appeared! Wild bitch used Meltodown. It was super-effective!

And now you know why you don't mess with a girl when she is deprived.