Not a morning person

By crazybitch - 18/06/2012 04:57 - Canada - Okotoks

Today, I learned that when my girlfriend told me that she's a different person without coffee and smokes in the morning, she wasn't kidding; after I'd asked her how she'd slept, she bitched me out for "mocking her" and hurled a hairdryer at my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 010
You deserved it 4 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

catanita 18

So, morning sex is out of the question.

Well, loads of people can't go without their regular caffeine intake in the morning. I know my hands start trembling if I don't have my hot brew in the morning. It's really bad though.


Next time she throws the hair dryer or whatever else at you, either duck n throw it in her direction. That'll teach her. Lol

If that title isn't mocking her then I don't know what is.

chickentaco1230 4
caitiebug1119 15

Well...she warned might have been her time of the month too.

JordanMichelle09 4

She warned you, dude. Just saying. Coffee and Cigarettes are the only thing keeping me from killing everyone in the morning as well. I sympathize with her.

babswashere 9

Sorry OP but she's ******* crazy Find yourself a sane healthy girl that doesn't suffer from multiple personality disorder