Not a morning person

By crazybitch - 18/06/2012 04:57 - Canada - Okotoks

Today, I learned that when my girlfriend told me that she's a different person without coffee and smokes in the morning, she wasn't kidding; after I'd asked her how she'd slept, she bitched me out for "mocking her" and hurled a hairdryer at my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 010
You deserved it 4 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

catanita 18

So, morning sex is out of the question.

Well, loads of people can't go without their regular caffeine intake in the morning. I know my hands start trembling if I don't have my hot brew in the morning. It's really bad though.


graphicstyle7 17

Er.. nasty temper, don't care about the excuse... run, unless you want and need abuse.

i hope you dodged or caught the hair dryer...

noisebox 1

PMS time to split the scene....

Story of my life, I'm a dickk in the mornings haha

lowie89 7

You've got yourself a winner there!

She's dying for her duncan hills coffee.

ganjaone 2

Sounds to me like u got urself a keeper there. I bet her breath smells lovely after those cigs n coffee

dixiefoxx 22

Now I'm scared to see my grandma in the mornings.. She admitted that nobody should talk to her before she has her coffee.. Thankfully she wakes up at 5 am

unixdude 9

Dump her. Life is too short to spend it with someone you cannot be around.