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By Adam Jensen - 18/06/2012 04:39 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, I was at work when a co-worker decided it would be funny to email me from my boss's computer to tell me I had been laid off. It wasn't funny when I was fired for real after "skipping work without giving notice." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 912
You deserved it 2 514

Same thing different taste


Well your boss should ask for an explanation, and then you tell him what happened. If he didn't, he is not worthy of being a 'boss'.

xStaciexLynnx 15

There are plenty of bosses not worthy of the position but that doesn't give them any less power.

william8691 10

And this is where you plan your co-workers "suicide note".

EvilTwerp 12

If you were packing your stuff, and your boss didn't notice what you were doing, I'm pretty sure he is blind and didn't notice you were gone. Seek out the rat and make his computer spontaneously combust.

I feel like this is something that would be discussed in person anyways. Then again, I work in a small business where the boss has time to pull me aside and say "sorry but we are laying you off"

I really hope OP posts back after to let us know how things went. I'm dying with suspense here.

Sanch101 7

Very true, that is all they need to do.

Anai08 17

What I really hoped happen is that the coworker faces up to what he/she did, and talked to OP's boss. It may mean they get fired, but it's not okay for their stupid prank to make someone else lose their job. Even considering coworkers I've really disliked in the past, I would never wish them to be fired over a mistake I made. This world can be unfair enough on its own at times.

At my BF's job they are required to lock their computers if they leave their desk, because the information they deal with is private. So if some unlucky newb forgets to lock theirs, they may have 'unintentionally' sent a few emails about how they are going to Justin Beiber concerts, get a few new backgrounds put up.. Or in extreme cases send a resignation email. Thankfully though the boss usually sends an email back, cause she's used to it.

22cute 17

If it's NOT illegal it should be!

100% illegal. You were deceived by someone claiming to have that authority and you responded accordingly. Go get your job back.

Show your boss the email and get the other asshole canned! WAIT, he emailed you while you were at work? Did you just get up and leave or do you mean that you didn't show up the next day?

Blackmail111 9

That was a really big dick movefrom your friend. Who the hell would do that?

Co-worker doesn't necessarily mean friend. I've had a lot of asshole co-workers.

bubbly31 0

Whatever the relationship was the one who sent the email to op should have told him that day that it was a joke so op would not miss work

perdix 29

Tell your ex-boss to look in his Sent Mail folder. Then, tell him you want your co-worker's job.

diidiimi 10

Unless the co-worker's job is shittier than op's.

If that's the case, OP can ask for their old job.

Why didn't you try to explain or show him the email?

Rocky007 15

Sorry, but you get a YDI. Who just leaves without talking to the boss in person?

Blackmail111 9

He never said he was at work when he checked the E-mail.

13-"...I was at work when a co-worker thought it would be funny..." Reading. It's good for you.

8, It definitely sounds odd, since you'd need to clear up a few things like getting your final paycheck, returning company property, etc etc but to say you deserve to be fired because of some prank?

YourEvilHero 12

nows your chance for.... REVENGE

linkinpark98 23

Revenge is also sweet. Is revenge ice cream? I like ice cream. :D

Show him the email, but you should have gotten written up not fired for a warning..