Not cool, Mom

By Anonymous - 10/05/2024 21:00

Today, my mom still spends time with my ex because, as she puts it, we might be divorced now but there’s no reason they can’t still be friends. This is the woman who tricked me into raising another man’s baby for three months before I got suspicious and got a paternity test. Screw you mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 575
You deserved it 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, I have two words for you: no contact.

audz 2

the writer is the husband, he is talking about his ex wife. doesn’t say he was the wife or vise versa. I thought that too until I read the end part


There are multiple reasons Mom might do that. In my case my Mom is a people person and although she’s loyal to her children, she likes who she likes. Mom might just happen to like your ex. Or like my mom; uses it as a way to hear more about, and spend more time with her grandchildren if that’s relevant… In the end you have to make your own decisions about your love life and not let Mom affect that. And at the same time you have to accept that Mom is going to relate and communicate with those she wants to do so with. Once you accept those things it gets easier.

Yeah, I have two words for you: no contact.

I'm confused. How could you be tricked if you were the one who got pregnant? Did you sleep with someone else? How were you tricked?

audz 2

the writer is the husband, he is talking about his ex wife. doesn’t say he was the wife or vise versa. I thought that too until I read the end part

You don't have to stay in either of their lives, you know. Cut ties and move on.

Let her stay friends with your ex. Sooner or later your ex will screw her over too. No need for you to talk to either of them while you wait.