Not going well, is it?

By tedfragle - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Bournemouth

Today, I realised that as I get closer to home, I drive slower and slower so I'm away from my husband for longer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 304
You deserved it 2 748

Top comments

If you just now realized this, it's probably not too late OP. You should try and find out the issue and hopefully a solution.


looks like marriage councelling is in order, either that or a divorce

mariri9206 32

They might not be unhappy. OP should talk about this with her husband, look into it, and try to figure out what it means before just calling quits.

Or it's time to talk things out and at least put a little effort into upholding that whole "til death do us part" thing that you vowed.

That sounds pretty sad. Best of luck to both sort your issues.

If you just now realized this, it's probably not too late OP. You should try and find out the issue and hopefully a solution.

You need to find the cause of your unwillingness to be near your husband. Your marriage is in trouble. If you avoid dealing with it then your marriage will end. You need to proactively work on it if you want to save it.

This sounds like you two should go to counselling, IF you want to try to make the marriage work, if not then get a divorce

Now now, remember? You brought him home now you have to feed him and take care of him

You realize if you drive in the opposite direction, you don't have to slow down and you won't see your husband for a loooooonnngggg time? I'm pretty good at geometry.