Not going well, is it?

By tedfragle - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Bournemouth

Today, I realised that as I get closer to home, I drive slower and slower so I'm away from my husband for longer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 304
You deserved it 2 748

Top comments

If you just now realized this, it's probably not too late OP. You should try and find out the issue and hopefully a solution.


Well, I'd say your options are pretty clear. You can either choose to talk to him and share your feelings, or let it go and continue being miserable until things get too intense for you to stand it. Let me tell you, I've been there. I've had friends that I used to get along really well with, but at some point I realized I was doing anything possible to avoid talking to them. I didn't hate them, I just realized suddenly that I was uncomfortable interacting with them. The first time, I made the mistake of letting things boil over, and that person got pissed and yelled at me before refusing to ever acknowledge my existence again. I still regret letting things end the way they did. Talk to him, OP. At least let him know how you feel. If you guys manage to work it out, great. If not, maybe it's for the best. You won't know unless you face the risk and try. Best of luck.

I'm not saying that your solution to the problem is counterproductive but it doesn't seem to address or solve your problem very efficiently. What other ways could you think of to deal with your need to avoid the partner you're living with?

I do the same thing. I went so far as to join a gym so I'd have an excuse to not be home.

If you are that unhappy, you need to figure out why it is you want to be away from your husband. And when you do, you need to talk with him, either alone or with a marriage counselor. You may be able to repair the damage or you may have to get a divorce, but this is just not healthy.

middlenamefrank 8

Sorry to hear that, OP. I don't have any wise words or anything, just sorry to hear it.

First, talk to your husband, and if that comes to no avail, consider seeing a marriage counselor.

I used to come home from work every day, sit in the driveway and cry a little bit, wondering what today's fight was going to be about. (She used to fly off the handle over stupid things like not being able to get the seal off the new ketchup bottle - a 4 hour rant about how it was my fault) I got a second job just to get away. It's been 10 years, now, but divorce was the best thing I ever invested in.

I know how that feels man. Worst type of abuse because no one can see any marks or anything so most people won't see what's going on. Glad you figured out a way out of it, but communication is still the first step. If it fails then yes, do what you have to do for YOU.