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By Anonymous - 12/04/2014 05:24 - United States

Today, I found out I was pregnant. When I told my boyfriend, his response was, "I'll start watching pregnant porn to build up an attraction to it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 931
You deserved it 8 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

before people go on a rant saying he's an asshole, atleast he's willing to stay with you and the baby. I think he meant it as a joke and you took it the wrong way. Either way, congrats OP

Oh gosh...well at least he's caring enough to try that? Idk I'm just trying to find a silver lining...sorry OP!


XTheDesertSongX 17

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Yeah. OP, your boyfriend is kind of an inconsiderate idiot. Congratulations on your baby though:D

Totally. OP, you're beautiful no matter if you're pregnant or not!

I wouldn't go so far as to call him a prick. He didn't leave her (yet) and instead is trying to make himself attracted to something that he knows he's not attracted to. It's a pretty insensitive thing to say, but everyone ***** up sometimes. And he probably didn't mean it to sound awful, it seems like it was intended less douchey.

euphoricness 28

I doubt there even is pregnant **** because that would be ******* gross to watch

kiraleann 16
HairyPunisher 27

As bizarre as it sounds, it actually is a thing. Some men have fetishes for it.

I'm just posting for op under the first comment so people see my post.

#24 is right. Anyway, some guys just aren't attracted to pregnant women. My boyfriend, for example, finds pregnancy repulsive. I'm not a fan, either, and one of the reasons we work is that we both don't want kids and we both don't want me to get pregnant. You can't get upset with a guy for what he is or isn't attracted to, no matter how "insensitive" it sounds.

How do you know they weren't trying for a baby? Maybe this was expected and he just has a bad sense of humor.

31- There's **** for everything (see Rule 34 on Urban Dictionary). And personally, the thought of pregnancy **** pales in comparison to the idea of My Little Pony ****. But there's fetishes for everything, so someone probably disagrees.

Oh, but there is. And what may seem gross to you, might be a fetish to someone else (not that I have this fetish, i've watched it once or twice, but don't make it a habit)

oddities 20

#1, I kind of hope he was joking but has a poor sense of humor or can't deliver a joke properly. Or a little of both. There's a chances he's not a complete prick. At least, I hope he isn't.

Rule 34 did not come from Urban Dictionary....

BubbleGrunge 18

Or, he could start paying attention to you and all of your beautifulness!

I think the word you are looking for is beauty.

He's only caring about the sex basically which is pretty niave and stupid of him.

ThatOneGuy719 16

At least the guy didn't just deny it and walk out. What he said was wrong, but at least he's sticking around

kingdomgirl94 29

I feel that the "not as big of a jerk as you could have been" award deserves a place here...

Oh gosh...well at least he's caring enough to try that? Idk I'm just trying to find a silver lining...sorry OP!

I was thinking that, too. Perhaps it's not a very nice thing to say, but at least he didn't run out the door. Good luck with your pregnancy, OP!

Wow! How sad--We must think very low of the guys of today if our first reaction is to be grateful that they don't run out on their unborn child.

TheDrifter 23

This is fml after all. A bad porno joke is far better than anything I'd expected after op telling her boyfriend she's pregnant.

before people go on a rant saying he's an asshole, atleast he's willing to stay with you and the baby. I think he meant it as a joke and you took it the wrong way. Either way, congrats OP

Jessj958 19

I agree, it's awesome he's staying because there are a lot of unfortunate cases when they guy just bolts. But, he just needs to work on his "jokes" because bad jokes and hormones just don't mix!

marzipanimal 15

"At least"? That should not be something praised, but expected.

Sounds like a joke gone wrong to me too. The guy is saying that not only is he sticking around, he's trying to prevent future issues when she gets big and starts complaining that she's unattractive. That's kind of caring in it's own ****** up way.

I think the real FML is he tried to make it light hearted, but you were to anal about it. Might have to watch some of that too.

idk, I thought it was sweet. It's a guys way of saying "I still want to be with you and make you feel good even when you have a basketball belly, swollen feet, and hormonal outrages." Also, yeah, he didn't up and run out of the picture. I wouldn't have any problems with my boyfriend/husband saying this if I were preggo.

Well on the bright side, it's not the worst thing he could have said. At least he isn't saying it's not his. Sorry OP.

how considerate, sounds like a great guy.