Not in front of Him

By Username - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend wouldn't kiss me because there was a picture of Superman on my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 291
You deserved it 10 354

Top comments

rhidiculous 4

Maybe he was implying for you to take your shirt off ;)


DarkWaffle 0

Then get rid of the shirt. Problem solved.

If I had a girlfriend that wore a superman t-shirt,.... you know what, I cant think of a response.. that would be too perfect of a girlfriend...

You should've said, "then I should take off my shirt." And done so. You would've gotten your kiss.

I wouldn't have kissed you either!

also superman sucks freakn boyscout!

I would never kiss someone with a picture of super man on there shirt except for one person

jazzi2010 5

he can be killed by a glowing green rock... 'nuf said XP

x_Killer_Rosee_x 0

Noo (x it's all about the joker. Sadly, the same thing happened to me today.