Not in front of Him

By Username - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend wouldn't kiss me because there was a picture of Superman on my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 291
You deserved it 10 354

Top comments

rhidiculous 4

Maybe he was implying for you to take your shirt off ;)


someone is insacure of his sexuality. are u sure he isnt gay trying to be straight?

blink978 1
Ninjasaurus18 9

Superman sucks!!! Batman is so much better, because Superman actually has powers, and less enemies than Batman. Batman, however, is just a ninja from the League of Shadows. Superman only ever saves Lois Lane. Never anyone else. Batman saves everyone.

I think superman is really boring, but I wouldn't deny my partner a kiss over it

Well superman is super gay Batnan is okay But the nicest I have seen Is the lovely wolverine

Maybe your boyfriend is a Superboy fan. Superboy fans generally dislike Superman on principle. Superman is a terrible father figure.

The only way I could see this as a YDI is if you wear print tees like that as some sort of faux-nerd fashion statement, like the people that wear Beatles or Che Guevara shirts and have no idea who they are.