By baconandkittens - 26/02/2012 03:13 - United States
Same thing different taste
Adapt, improvise, overcome
By Arthur B. - 24/09/2019 12:01
By ohmy - 17/12/2009 19:09 - Canada
Chance encounter
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
By buttercup92 - 31/05/2016 03:45 - United States - San Antonio
By Anonymous - 04/09/2014 06:44 - United States - Saginaw
By Anonymous - 14/03/2010 20:30 - United States
Leave spiders to chill
By Anonymous - 17/12/2020 14:07
By jillydark6609 - 19/09/2010 06:21 - United States
He was just chillin'
By Anonymous - 04/07/2021 13:59
By SpideyFace - 19/03/2011 01:36 - Canada
Top comments
i hate spiders!
I don't see why this is an FML...
I would have flipped out, dude. That plate would be in pieces.
i would have just washed the spider down the drain and is anyone weirded out by op's name?! o_0
I used to help spiders until i took a spider to the eye
I would put the plate outside. Cover it with gasoline. Throw a lit match in there. And watch and laugh.
I would've stomped it! Dead space style! Gimme some goddamn ammo, bitch!
Finish him!
@37: bacon & kittens. Two of life's greatest things!
Don't you think that is a bit harsh against the spiders? Imagine being a spider, living a perfectly normal life, until a human 100,000 times its size decides that the mere sight of it is reason enough to smash it against the ground. I'm not comfortable around spiders, but please, think about how many spiders you have killed, and compare that to the number of times you've been physically hurt by them. Also, having spiders in your house saves you from insect invasions, for example wall lice and ants.
i hope you feel better for having said that. now please go outside and hug a tree. let me guess - you are a level 5 vegan as well?
I agree with 108. I don't get why everyone just hates spiders. Most won't even bite you unless you're just being an idiot.
I disagree. I'd say that baconandpuppies would be a better name. Dogs like humans, and they are loyal pets. It's been proven. Ate think everything is theirs. Also this is the 2nd time I've seen an OP reply to their post.
Well. We all learned a valuable lesson. Don't be nice to spiders!
Not a big deal.
Let's see you take a spider to the eye and see what you say then...
2- Stop being a scaredy cat we all know that no one would appreciate that...
....until a few days later when OP can start climbing walls and shooting web and stuff
I had one land on my boob while laying in my bed....
Boob =/= eye
Should've washed it down the drain. By the way hope ur eye is ok
So let the spider kill you instead?
Most spiders can't kill you..
except every spider can kill you except a daddy long legs.
Was thinking the same thing
100, What the hell are you talking about? First, most spiders only cause slight nausea at worst, and second, daddy long legs are NOT spiders.
Karma is a B.I,T.C.H
Not really karma, no.
I think your doing karma wrong. When you are nice, your supposed to be rewarded, not get an eye full of spider.
Y did u put a comma after the "I" but not a period like all the other letters lol
I think your doing karma wrong. When you are nice, your supposed to be rewarded, not get an eye full of spider.
20 - does it even matter?!...
You guys are wrong, she is technically right, it was just REVERSE karma! When you do something nice and Karma is still a bitch!
Why do people always get punished for doing the right thing?
I think we've learned from FML, don't be nice to spiders. They always come back to haunt the person somehow :P
"a good deed never goes unpunished."
Since when was saving a spider a good deed?
I honestly would freak out and rampage trying to kill the spider.
Gosh, guess what? Some people actually have a heart and don't kill spiders. Shocking, I know.
There are plenty of people in this world, killing one wouldn't make a difference.
This is a war people. And it's comments like 36 & 80 that are the reason we are losing. Every spider makes a difference. And if you have a heart protect your fellow man and destroy those tiny eight legged bastards!

i hate spiders!
The wind? Pfft! Maybe it was a ninja spider that despise the outdoors.