Not my problem

By Anonymous - 23/07/2024 11:00

Today, my aunt keeps calling me to come and settle her baby for her, because I’m the only one she sleeps for. Seriously, she’ll sleep for hours when I hold her, but anyone else and she’ll scream. I don’t even like kids and the constant disruptions to my childfree life aren’t helping change my opinion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 476
You deserved it 92

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sounds like this could be a very lucrative opportunity. If you charge enough, your aunt will quit making you be the babysitter/mother.

Time to start setting some hard boundaries with your aunt.


Time to start setting some hard boundaries with your aunt.

Your aunt needs to start getting creative.

It sounds like this could be a very lucrative opportunity. If you charge enough, your aunt will quit making you be the babysitter/mother.