No sleep til colon!

By Anonymous - 23/07/2024 08:00 - United States - Duluth

Today, after I lost my job because my position was eliminated last Friday, I'm in such a state of fear about losing my home, and having to re-home my animals (who are my children) that I haven't been able to sleep most of the week. My only hope for rest comes Monday, when I have my first colonoscopy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 429
You deserved it 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, your Sunday will be especially bad, good luck with your colonoscopy

I wish you good results on your colonoscopy. It would really suck to add colon cancer to the rest of your plight.


Well, your Sunday will be especially bad, good luck with your colonoscopy

I wish you good results on your colonoscopy. It would really suck to add colon cancer to the rest of your plight.