Not respected anymore

By Anonymous - 24/04/2009 09:04 - Australia

Today, as a respected artist, I was running a workshop with a bunch of rowdy college kids. I was in the middle of demonstrating a painting technique when I accidentally washed my paintbrush in my coffee instead of my paint water. They waited until I then drank from it to burst out in hysterics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 463
You deserved it 16 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI, there isn't a person in the world that wouldn't wait and watch that happen


#26 is right--I've done this so many times when I had a drink while I was painting. The water can get pretty dark and you're distracted and focused on your work... the only thing worse is when you accidentally pick up and swig the paint water!! Sorry OP :o

Oh gee! Poor you, that's funny though.

"as a respected artist" you sound like a tool. YDI.

staygold 0

so im not the only one who's done this....sad thing is i did this years ago when i was seven years old.

Been right there with ya buddy. once thought a piece of charcoal was part of my bar of dark chocolate. hahaha

missus_butter 0

You're obviously not as respected as you think you are.

What it is with some artists being full of themselves? It's not the end of the world to dip your paint brush into your drink, I learned the first time I did it to keep my drink the hell away from my paint. I laughed about it, and I never did it again. You're just angry because they laughed at you. That doesn't make them rowdy, just better humoured than you.

ramdoodle45 0

the fact that you had to tell us that you were respected probably means you're not at all.