Not so cosy now, huh?

By Homely - 09/07/2024 10:00 - United States

Today, I let my best friend know how I feel about him, since I have developed feelings for some time. I let it all out, hyperventilating and crying, yet relieved that I finally got it off my chest. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, “I appreciate it and you’re a great friend, but you’re kinda too homely for me.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 470
You deserved it 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good for you taking control of your life here. While it socks how he treated you, you can at least move forward and not suffer the daily anxiety you had before you took action. Now you can find someone who will see the treasure you are and what you can bring to a relationship.

People are going to tell you that he sucks and to move on. But maybe he just friendzone you. Up your game, show attractiveness, flirt, make him look at you in a different way.


That’s just mean… his loss. I’m sure you’re beautiful. He’s gonna regret saying that when he’s old and alone because he wrote off potential dates based on looks. You’ll find someone who appreciates all that you are.

Good for you taking control of your life here. While it socks how he treated you, you can at least move forward and not suffer the daily anxiety you had before you took action. Now you can find someone who will see the treasure you are and what you can bring to a relationship.

People are going to tell you that he sucks and to move on. But maybe he just friendzone you. Up your game, show attractiveness, flirt, make him look at you in a different way.

MistressAfrodite 5