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By ...thanks - 07/09/2013 14:17 - United States

Today, my best friend confessed to me that she's a lesbian. She quickly added, "Oh, don't worry, I don't like you. You're not attractive." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 697
You deserved it 4 890

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not attractive to women? As long as you're not gay too, who cares. Guys will still like you because you have boobs. Seriously, that's all it takes. I dated my wife for 2 months before I realised she even had a face.

Chin up, beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Besides, I hope you aren't in love with her.


Chin up, beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Besides, I hope you aren't in love with her.

Gingerette 8
Redoxx_fml 22

"What? Am I not good enough for you?! But I love you."

At least things won't get weird between them since her friend is not attracted to her

maybe she just meant OP isn't attractive to her. I mean... I used to get really annoyed when my female friends thought I wanted them. it's kinda rough actually! or maybe she's just mean

I'm pretty sure she was probably just nervous coming out to her friend and it sounded rude, but she really just wanted her to know she just thought of her as a friend. I wouldn't worry about it, OP :) she's probably embarrassed too

It's likely that she just didn't want to freak you out OP. Generally, when someone does that they just are trying to make you feel more comfortable/at ease. Some people think someone is coming out to them because they like them, she probably just didn't want you to get that idea....yet;)

Not attractive to women? As long as you're not gay too, who cares. Guys will still like you because you have boobs. Seriously, that's all it takes. I dated my wife for 2 months before I realised she even had a face.

So I'm guessing your first kiss wasn't mouth to mouth, huh? Way to skip first base. ;)

That happened to me one time…it took 6 weeks before I realised it was a fat guy.

So THAT'S why men are always talking to my boobs.

flockz 19

all girls have boobs.... unless.. wait are you hinting at something?

45- don't feel insecure about your lady bits. Men like small boobs and big boobs. Boobs are boobs! :P you don't need big lady bits for a guy to like you. So don't stress it.

When I see you say "big lady bits" I picture massive beef curtains or something similar.

lolita88_fml 27

I like boobs, but I don't care too much about the size.

B_CeouL 12

12- it was more like mouth to south haha

rebellionwars 11

You're a piece of shit. Dating girls because they have boobs? Shallow ****.

cryssycakesx3 22

guys will stare no matter the size. as others have said, boobs are boobs. I think big boobs and cleavage is gross.

Well she wouldn't have become lesbian if she didn't secretly think you were attractive :)

First off, people don't just "become" lesbian. It's the way they're born. Secondly, OP's best friend actually told her she wasn't attractive to her.. What part of that did you not comprehend?

This happened to me. I was torn between immense relief that she was wasn't attracted and extremely insulted that she wasn't attracted. Weird couple of days in friendshipville.

Tessa_11 19

That happened to me yesterday XD

Maybe she said she didn't find you attractive because she wants to make sure that you think she doesn't like you that way. I know when same sex friends come out of the closet that things are weird at first.

Honesty, isn't that what best friends are for?

Saying someone is unattractive is extremely rude and unnecessary. That's just uncalled for. She might not be a total bitch but that's a bitchy thing to say to someone

Since we were not there we do not know exactly how the friend meant it. I know plenty of lesbians/gays that when they tell someone they are gay, their straight friends automatically think that they like them. It might have been her friends awkward attempt to say, "Hey, I am out of the closet but this won't get awkward because I don't find you sexually attractive."

That might be how she meant it, but according to the FML that's not how she said it, which is what I'm going off of

yes, because everything that exits your mouth ALWAYS comes out in exactly the manner you intended ESPECIALLY when you're nervous ya know

Maybe it's exactly what she meant to say. You have no idea since you weren't there.

And neither do you so shut up and stop arguing. It's an FML for godsakes who cares

A rude thing to say whether or not you were attracted to her.

karmaliss 18

she was probably just flustered. Coming out to anyone isn't the easiest thing in the world to do :/

ThatFancyPenn 18

Why'd she have add on that last part.

Little4Bear 10

Because when someone comes out to a friend of the same sex most automatically think they might like them.

Little4Bear 10

She's probably just that kind of "straight up" person. (no pun intended). Nevertheless, the "you're not attractive" was highly uncalled for.

cryssycakesx3 22

the pun was intended if you put it in quotes.

Just be happy she is finally coming out, and as for her not thinking you are attractive, that is just one persons opinion! Don't let it get you down!