By Mc2013 - 12/10/2014 17:38 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 04/10/2012 18:10 - United States - Omaha
By eeeee - 14/06/2012 20:40 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/03/2013 17:31 - Sweden - Karlskrona
By CarSick - 23/02/2011 03:55 - United States
TW: gross
By Unimpressed - 03/06/2009 10:40 - Australia
By moosemay - 02/04/2013 15:04 - Germany
Coming and going
By Kristat - 01/04/2012 04:32 - United States
Last splash
By sicktomystomach - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
Thank you for your service
By vomitgirl - 28/04/2015 05:24 - Australia - Brisbane
Bad timing
By oh no - 29/01/2013 14:51 - Canada - Montreal
Top comments
Guys have no idea what you girls go through.
Who said OP's a girl?
Yeah, some men use purses!
Morning sickness happens when you're pregnant so I think it's pretty safe to assume op's a girl
Just because OP is pregnant does not mean that she is an invalid requiring bed rest. Many women work until less than a month before the baby is due. Morning sickness is primarily a first term symptom, and I don't know of any woman that really wants to spend 6 months on bed rest.
To elaborate on what No.22 is saying, my aunt actually worked up until a few hours of giving birth to her three children. Some women can work all the way through their pregnancy. And others cannot like my mom, because she gets false contractions a few months before her due date. It all just depends on the person!
So because someone is pregnant they cannot leave their bed for 9 months???... Im pregnant and its supposed to be good to walk around and leave ur bed...
I'll never know what most girls go through, either. FMLs like this helped convince me to get my tubes tied for my thirtieth birthday!
Correct me if I'm wrong but... Just because you have morning sickness doesn't mean automatically that you're pregnant... Right?
I think 18 was just saying that if she is that nauseous maybe she could get a family member to help her out and get the groceries for the times when she feels too sick to go out. Yes, most women work and go out and do everything while pregnant which is good, but don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it too Op. Although chances are Op didn't feel that sick when she left her house, and a lot of women like to try and push through it because they don't like feeling cooped up. I agree Op should go out when she can, but don't feel you have to do everything yourself either. Take it easy when you can. Try to get a good balance and I hope the sickness passes soon!
@63 it's all day for me too.
18 weeks as of yesterday(2nd trimester) and the morning sickness is still here. Zofran is hit or miss. I threw up everyday until my induction with my 1st.
well, just think about the beautiful little thing you will get in return.
or a baby?
No, probably just a clean throat
Or a new purse.
Morning sickness was my first clue she was a woman.
I probably would've just aimed for the floor... Or maybe tried to run to the washroom. Either way I hope you can get your purse all cleaned up!
While pregnant with my 2nd, I hate terrible ALL DAY sickness lol. It was awful. There were many times I almost didn't make it to the restroom. I would always bring a big cup with me in case I was in the car and my bf couldn't pull over in time. I really hope your morning sickness gets better OP!
When in a supermarket and there's vomit potential, the best things to get are the little plastic bags they provide for the fresh fruit and veg. The ones I get here are sealed enough to hold water.
I tossed in a trashcan in a grocery store during my pregnancy. During my morning sickness phase the grocery store was not a fun place for my nose.
I get car sickness and for me those puke bags off planes are a lifesaver! Our family used to collect them off the planes whenever they came to visit. I have some in the car and one in my purse just in case.
You should have just put the food in the cart, threw up on the food. Free food for you, nobody will take anything with vomit on it.
Ever heard the term "you break it, you buy it"?
Or in this case, you vomit on it, you buy it.
Morning. Sickness. Sucks.
Time for a new purse..
A gouchi bag perhaps?
probably would've been a better idea to throw up on the floor. could've been mopped up whereas now you have a purse you need to throw away filled with vomit-covered things. obvious advice aside though, i feel very bad for you op, not looking forward to morning sickness at all in the future. just keep thinking about the little bundle of joy that is causing the sickness tho, that ought to make it a bit easier to get through!
Well that's one way to get a new purse
They should make fake purses lined with trash bags just for this.
Or, you know, she could've just lined her purse with a plastic bag in case this would happen. Less money to spend on a new purse with trash bag lining xD

Guys have no idea what you girls go through.
I probably would've just aimed for the floor... Or maybe tried to run to the washroom. Either way I hope you can get your purse all cleaned up!