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By Schmolly - 13/10/2009 05:01 - United States

Today, I had a mental breakdown. Many things have been going completely wrong in my life, and I finally decided to let my boyfriend know about it. After about an hour of explaining and pouring my heart out, his response was, "I think we were better off as friends." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 342
You deserved it 5 518

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IndigoKitty 3

wow, FYL. but to all the guys who say she deserves it and guys do't are ****** lousy boyfriends. Its equal to something like your mother dying and you being really upset and your girlfriend saying "get over it, pussy". Grow up.

A mental Breakdown? Lulz... Time for someone to look up a few terms I think. You mean a nervous breakdown? Or you just got upset? Because if you had a mental breakdown, you'd be carted off to a mental hospital for failure to function adequately. Shame your boyfriend's a douche, you'll probably be better off without him.


Ox_Baker 0

Gotta' agree. An hour of ranting and raving?

wow for an hour?? really...i say fuckhislife bc he had to listen to it

#35: I so agree! #1: no one gives a damn if your first.

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Sun_Kissed18 25

She expects comforting and suport, or at least a silent person to vent to. The point is that he is her boyfriend and he should be there for her if things get tough. Though, I might understand if he was a new boyfriend, then something like that would freak me out too.

if she calls getting upset a "mental breakdown", I'd dump her whiny ass too. a mental breakdown lands you in a psych ward, emergency room, suicide watch or, at the very least, a psychiatrist's office. her boyfriend was well within his rights to get out of that situation; you can't expect a boyfriend to stick around for something could have a very negative effect on his own emotional and mental state. as someone with a mental disorder, I can say that people WILL leave or sever ties after finding out about it. a few will stick around, but those who ditch have every right to do so.

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A mental Breakdown? Lulz... Time for someone to look up a few terms I think. You mean a nervous breakdown? Or you just got upset? Because if you had a mental breakdown, you'd be carted off to a mental hospital for failure to function adequately. Shame your boyfriend's a douche, you'll probably be better off without him.

greenltrn2003 0

im pretty sure you can have a mental breakdown and still keep your sanity...

No, you can't. MENTAL means "Of the mind" and Breakdown means "No longer functioning" Trust me on this one, I'm a psychology student. If i didn't know this triviality, I would no longer be a student.

Intellectualist 0

I'm a psych student too. Nervous/mental breakdowns are the same thing. It comes from pressure, and essentially something 'snaps', and you break under pressure. It's not a mental disorder or anything like that, it's just a heap of pressure. The more you know ~~~~*

greenltrn2003 0 also pretty sure you would still be a student if you didnt kno this 'triviality'...unless im missing something @#9 knowing is half the battle :-D

Intellectualist 0

I know how you feel OP, it's not fun times :(

You know about someone feeling up the OP? That's not what she needs—she needs a boyfriend who isn't heartless. Okay, enough making fun of your grammar. Sounds like the "boyfriend" needs to learn tact and timing.

Intellectualist 0

There's nothing wrong grammatically with what I wrote. The comma placement in what I said was not wrong, it was readable, and everyone who isn't a complete numty knew what it meant. Pedants are so unattractive.

Erm, #21... How on earth was her post grammatically incorrect? If you didn't understand it than, well, that's your problem.

playfuldesk 0

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Intellectualist 0

Some guys do actually, It's the unfortunate girls who get stuck with people like you who are unlucky. You are so manly and macho for not having any compassion for you girlfriend. Not that you have one, that's painstakingly obvious.

moonlight_daze 8

"It's the unfortunate girls who get stuck with people like you who are unlucky" -lauralatch If you chose to date an insensitive boyfriend or a psychotic girlfriend, it's got nothing to do with luck. It just means you're stupid as ****. Well, it means that and YDI.

Intellectualist 0

But sometimes guys put on a front when you first get together. It gets complicated. Noones going to try and get together with someone, and act like an insensitive asshole are they?

No one likes a whinner seriously. QQ much? Listening for a little bit is fine but an hour is too long for normal people. Realize it isn't out of insensitivity but out of the fact she is just making it bad not anyone else and she doesn't realize it. Take a chill pill and don't worry. it is pretty easy to do.

schnoodles 0

If it's bad enough, a chill pill won't fix it. You don't know what she went through. She expected her bf to be there for her, and he wasn't.

tiokotomia 0

I voted both. Because it's really sad that you have such an unsensitive jerk as a boyfriend, but at the same time, it's your own fault for dating such a person.

schnoodles 0

Maybe this is the first time his jerk side is showing. For all you know, he could have acted nice for a while.

starberries 0

You do realize that voting both is completely ******* pointless, right?

TrAnMu 0

If that was his response then he's right.

tiokotomia 0

[nevermind this, I misclicked]