Numb to the pain

By sorenips - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, after a great treadmill run at my gym, I noticed a stain on my clothing. Apparently my nipple chafed so badly that it bled through my white t-shirt, and I'd walked around the gym completely oblivious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 521
You deserved it 3 973

Top comments

If this is a female, why would you not wear a sports bra or something if that nature to the gym. If this is a man, FYL since you must have some huge nipples...


ed1970 6

That happens if you do a lot of running. You either need to wear band aids over them or put body glide or Vaseline on them. Keep up the good work!

cygarcia 0

Tim and Eric wrote a cautionary song about this. Tape your nips. "No-body likes Bloo-dy Nips!"

cygarcia 0

Also, you could try wearing a Bro/Mansier.

do people's nipples really chafe like that when they run?? I have pretty big nipples and I've NEVER had that problem... I'm a guy, before anyone gets any ideas.

dagwoodsammich 0

Wear a red shirt next time!!(:

tavs02 6

This is definitely one of the most original FMLs I've read to date.