Numb to the pain

By sorenips - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, after a great treadmill run at my gym, I noticed a stain on my clothing. Apparently my nipple chafed so badly that it bled through my white t-shirt, and I'd walked around the gym completely oblivious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 521
You deserved it 3 973

Top comments

If this is a female, why would you not wear a sports bra or something if that nature to the gym. If this is a man, FYL since you must have some huge nipples...


bigbob661 3

Hahaha damn i had the same problem because i run so much its rubs so much, good thing my wife noticed so i could clean it up

missstashee 1

Well that's just odd. What do you do with your nipples outside of the gym that makes them so delicate?

This totally reminds me of the episode of The Office where Andy goes running and his nipples chafe & bleed all kinds. I lol'd so hard

Looks like you'll need some chapstick for them ******* :)

MCRaddict 0

Actually a lot of marathon runners deal with the same thing. You could probably find dozens of pictures from races of that same thing. It sucks, but it does happen.

That's FML? Seriously? Holy Shit what is this country coming to

Hmmmmmmmm......... Maybe wear Pasties????