
By space_cadet90818 - 08/03/2010 00:16 - United States

Today, I woke up with one of the worst migraines I've had in months. My mother (who thinks I'm a hypochondriac) began to scream at me about "making up an illness". When I asked for my meds, she called me an addict, and dumped my $300 prescription down the sink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 570
You deserved it 2 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lindsaysue 4

$300? Maybe you need better insurance...

xanniefiend420 0

wow your moms a bitch. no offense. if I was you I smack a bitch


Mirrors_fml 0

That sounds like a personal problem

I've met plenty of hypochondriacs in my time, so it's not completely out of the question, but doing what amounts to flushing money down the drain is pretty bloody stupid.

bioshockguy 0

Pot is cheaper and I bet it'd help a whole lot.

pixiedust08 0
Gat0rgirl 0

This would totally happen to my boyfriend. His mom is crazy.

joshherrell18 0

#116 wins by a landslide!!! Ima take your advice and thunder kick my mom in the face. thank you oh noble one <3