
By space_cadet90818 - 08/03/2010 00:16 - United States

Today, I woke up with one of the worst migraines I've had in months. My mother (who thinks I'm a hypochondriac) began to scream at me about "making up an illness". When I asked for my meds, she called me an addict, and dumped my $300 prescription down the sink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 570
You deserved it 2 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lindsaysue 4

$300? Maybe you need better insurance...

xanniefiend420 0

wow your moms a bitch. no offense. if I was you I smack a bitch


I've had a headache every day for the past two years now. I've seen one neurologist who says it's likely not a migraine and they don't know what's causing it or how to fix it and another who says it's a migraine. I'm on medicine for it now though, and it can definitely get pretty expensive. It can never make the headache go away, just bring it down to a level where I can function most of the time. I've tried going to the chiropractor, had my nerves checked, even had an MRI. The MRI found a cyst in my brain but the neurologist said it's not the reason I have my headache. I've also had a spinal tap, but haven't gotten the results back from that yet. Still hoping something will work out, but I've been told this is probably just something I'll have to deal with for the rest of my life. It really sucks that your mom doesn't believe you, and went so far as to throw out expensive medication. I'd have a lot harder time dealing with all of this now without my mother's support.

Can I recommend that you smoke marijuana? Yeah yeah yeah, it's illegal, but it HELPS. It helps period cramps, headaches, asthma...Really, if it's uncomfortable, pot can help make it better. I can't promise it will work, but if you are at this point, I would definitely look into it.

skyeyez9 24

Obviously your mom has never had a migraine or she would be more sympathetic. I get them occasionally, but they are so irregular that I can't pinpoint what triggers them.

ydi for faking extremely debilitating migranes that require medication, what the hell is wrong with you?! but seriously... sorry to hear that your mother is: *******. CRAZY. my guess is op was trying to get out of school AGAIN though, and that's what got the bitchdom rolling.

Gobsnoglin 0

Kill the bitch! Migraines aren't funny!

mylifeisover1305 0
russianspy1234 11

Revenge makes headaches better. Throw out all of your mom's medication.

kill yourself, then she'll feel worse.

I have had migraines for about 10 years. They have mostly been hormonal, so I would get them once a month, then it increased to 2x a month - every 2 weeks. I tried a number of things to reduce them, some with luck - the Pill decreased them to one about every 6 weeks for a while, but that only lasted about 6 months... Finally, last year, I was having a migraine every 10 days - and they were killer - my Imitrex and other meds didn't even touch them. :( Then, unrelated to migraines, I gave up meat and poultry (I still eat fish and eggs, etc) .. about 5 weeks into this, I realized I had not had a migraine. Now, about a year later, I'm still only getting one migraine about every 6-8 weeks, and they are very mild, and highly treatable by my new migraine med, MaxALT. Just to let you migraine sufferers know that there might be something else you can do then spend a lot of money on meds. :) Good luck.

FYL for living in a country where it's possible for a prescription to cost that much, here, they all cost the same (around £4). I suppose that's the advantage of not living in a country that's too backwards to have universal healthcare!

are you from the UK? Prescriptions here cost £7.20 per item.. but you can get a pre payment certificate for around £109 which covered all prescriptions for a year.

NightGod 0

The prescriptions still cost just as much, the difference being that it comes out of collective taxes rather than individual pockets..