Oh come on!

By Great. - 22/02/2013 22:32 - Brazil - Belo Horizonte

Today, I found an old toy that I gave to my daughter several years ago. It was still unopened, and long forgotten, so I decided to re-gift it to one of my friend's children. My daughter immediately remembered her "favorite" toy and started crying inconsolably. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 720
You deserved it 11 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

Maybe she loved it so much she never opened it? either that or she was waiting 50 years to put it on eBay...

Yea, I used to love to play with packaged Hot Wheels as a kid. I feel for her, the poor girl.


My favorite toy is still unopened because I love it so much. YDI.

WrongRomance 11

Maybe she was keeping it in mint condition?

kingdomgirl94 29

it sounds like the kid is 6 or 7. I doubt she gives a damn about "mint condition".

WrongRomance 11

When I was younger I had friends that collected Barbie Dolls, and they willingly left them in the box, and kept them on display for when they were older. There was a reason I added "Maybe"

Given that it said that the you was forgotten about long ago, I get the impression it wasn't on display somewhere, looking pretty, but rather stuffed in a corner of a closet.

but lil dolly whatchamacallit was my bestest friend!

crackmore278 13

**** man, I remember when my mom gave away the McFlurry maker my sisters and I had as kids. That was a dark day indeed.

eaglerob 20

Hopefully your friend's kid opens it and has fun; see your kid on a future episode of hoarders ;)

xelle_garfieldx 12

I have a box of toys under my bed (opened) that I haven't played with in forever and I would still cry if my mother gave them away. mind you, I'm 15. they're barbies.

Re-gifting is a dangerous art. Practice with caution.

I'm all for keelhauling parents who give away their kids possessions, but how loved can the toy have been if it was unopened?

ColbyGB 13

Kids remember everything, and when they see someone with something of theirs, they don't like it