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Oh come on!

By Great. - 22/02/2013 22:32 - Brazil - Belo Horizonte

Today, I found an old toy that I gave to my daughter several years ago. It was still unopened, and long forgotten, so I decided to re-gift it to one of my friend's children. My daughter immediately remembered her "favorite" toy and started crying inconsolably. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 720
You deserved it 11 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

Maybe she loved it so much she never opened it? either that or she was waiting 50 years to put it on eBay...

Yea, I used to love to play with packaged Hot Wheels as a kid. I feel for her, the poor girl.


Yea, I used to love to play with packaged Hot Wheels as a kid. I feel for her, the poor girl.

Hey, some of my toys were so special to me that I didn't want to harm them by opening the box.

It was still the in the box. Have you ever seen a kid yell that they want a toy. Then when they get it not open it. Neither have i.

Wizardo 33

Maybe she loved it so much she never opened it? either that or she was waiting 50 years to put it on eBay...

I had shelves lining my room filled with unopened Barbie dolls. I thought they looked so pretty in their boxes and I didn't want to ruin them.

RocketNinjaFish 12

I'd like to know what the toy was. I have an Ancient Mew pokemon card that my mum told me never to open, just in case it becomes valuable (even though they're only about $5 on eBay). Still, it's unlikely a kid that young would do that, even if it was something valuable.

Omfgitsmia 15

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Perfectly said. No other comment needed.

RocketNinjaFish 12

My mum considers my toys as hers. The moment I get a new teddy or something for my collection, her first reaction is to throw it to our cat. Most of them have tooth and claw marks all over them. The OP should definitely have asked.

#4 as my mother always told me, "I bought it and can do whatever I want with it!" If her daughter wasn't playing with the toy than why let her money go to waste. Maybe that's what's wrong with our world, people stopped teaching their kids how to value their parents money!

Actually no. People can and to take things back. I've taken things back that no one has used. If they didn't miss it then, they won't miss it now.

No, it wasn't. The mother bought the toy with her own money, and the daughter never used it. Therefore, the mother can regift it if she wants, and that way she doesn't have to spend money on a new toy. The daughter is just being spoiled.

You deserved that. At least ask her before giving one of her childhood toys away

Inediblepeaches 15

But see, the point is, the toy had nothing to do with her childhood. OP's daughter had completely forgotten about it and never touched it.

#6, giving one of her childhood toys away? she's still in her childhood, and didn't like the toy and never touched it.

Regifting done wrong: You only regift those YOU receive.

What the hell where you thinking. Dont you watch big bang theory -.- Toys are not meant to be played with. They should be kept mint in box. So 40 years down the line she can sell them all for a shitload of cash. Who has ever heard of playing with a toy??? They are meant to stay in a box on a shelf.

You're being sarcastic, right? Your tone when speaking about the big bang theory throws me off.

Just because she has not used it or played with it in years that does'nt give you the right to regift it. Shame on you

The toy was unopened. The child never played with it. Not once.

It does not matter she did not own it her daughter did.

mansen 15

have you lived with kids??? As they get older they outgrow a lot of toys. If you don't get rid of them you will be buried alive in them. Kids are little hoarders. They could passionately hate a toy, but as soon as you suggest getting rid of it, it suddenly becimes their most favorite toy ever ever ever. I do the annual toy purge when the kids aren't home due to this (they are still young enough to completely forget toys they haven't played with in 6mths if they don'tvsee them). and if by chance I get asked about one...I will admit, I sometimes blame our mastiff and say she chewed on said toy. You got to do what you have to do, otherwise be prepared to die by a tower of toys burying you alive.

Jessj958 19

I know what you mean 6 year old is a hoarder! He wants to keep everything, even if its broken. I decided to use my judgement on the broken things, and ask him on the other. He's got more toys than he knows what to do with!

#33 I remember when I was little, me and my brother had a good $2000+ worth of toys (half of them broken). I still remember throwing a bitch fit every time my mom didn't buy me a toy I wanted right away, so I hid it underneath the shelves until we came back. My mom still wouldn't buy it for me though.

Wow, lots of kid hoarders... Just the opposite happened at my house when I was a kid! I wanted to regift toys which I didn't like, yet my mom never had the heart to throw them away. Finally convinced her to donate most of them last year! Not that I don't appreciate toys. Not at all! I still have some plushies which my dad gave me on the day I was born. I don't play with them, but they're too special a gift to simply give away, especially since I maintained them in good condition.

Just because it wasn't opened or played with it doesn't mean it wasn't special. There are toys that I still have because of sentimental value.

My mom did that a lot... Just ask before giving away your kids' toys.