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Oh what a night…

By Charlotte - 16/02/2023 10:00

Today, I went to a Red Hot Chilli Peppers concert with my best friend. We've been looking forward to this for over six months. She spent the entire pre-drinks, pre-party, and concert glued to her phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 864
You deserved it 120

Same thing different taste

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I had a roommate/coworker who was a huge 311 fan and when they came to town, he was one of the first to get tickets. He would constantly talk about them until the time of the concert. Found out from a mutual friend that the dumbass got trashed and passed out in the car before the concert. Missed the whole thing.

mccuish 25

I hope you took her phone away


I had a roommate/coworker who was a huge 311 fan and when they came to town, he was one of the first to get tickets. He would constantly talk about them until the time of the concert. Found out from a mutual friend that the dumbass got trashed and passed out in the car before the concert. Missed the whole thing.

Gibit away, gibit away, gibit away now! Those guys? I love those guys! What's a gibit? I once thought I was striking up a friendship with someone who was also into U2. I asked them about an upcoming concert and they were puzzled. Turns out they were into the surveillance airplane.

mccuish 25

I hope you took her phone away

Oh well, let her look at her stupid phone. If you were also looking forward to the concert, then you just have yourself a good time and enjoy it. You don't have to be her baby-sitter.