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By Awkward - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend took me to meet his friends at one of his exclusive "clubs." Expecting it to be his old friends from college, I agreed to go. Apparently, I've been dating a member of the Ku Klux Klan for 2 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 415
You deserved it 8 137

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dorworters 9

after this happened, were you oKKK?

pongmaster 0

tell him he's an ignorant asshole and report him..


dorworters 9

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pongmaster 0

tell him he's an ignorant asshole and report him..

Report him for what? Last time I checked it wasn't illegal to be in the KKK, moron.

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Thats a lie. If that is true, then why was Jesus skin color was white or brown( which ever you believe). Why cant he be Black or yellow? Jesus is a racist.

The KKK is not atheist. That's why they burn the cross; to illuminate the path to Christ.

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If they were TRUE christians they wouldnt be racist. I think I would know considering i make straight As in bible class at my school.

I'm not saying they are good Christians. I'm just saying that they are not atheist.

we have some people like you here, they have this self righteous thing, they think people from their group aren't involved in any crimes, because their education is so great and their religion prevents people from being criminals. but whenever one is, they claim that he is not really part of their group any more. it's such a stupid saying.

Aeolian 0

Hwha? They're Protestants. Atheists they aren't.

@girlslikeboyz, I think you're the "non opend minded" person for thinking that racist automatically means Atheist.

You are getting straight A's in your BS class? and you dont know the difference between self-proclaim Christians and atheist? Drop out and be a prostitute. and GOD "created" 5(?) different skin colors but he made his SON(jesus) white or Brown. If that is not RACIST then i dont know what is.

@ #50, as an Atheist, I would normally take immense offense to that suggestion, too - but I suppose any Protestant member of the KKK would find it numbingly horrifying to be compared by the general public to an Atheist. So, as long as it terrorizes them into considering their idiocy, its almost worth the sacrifice? They are certainly not Humanists or Atheists, in any sense of the words. The point of militant, fundamentalist religion is the opposite of tolerance. This is a perfect example.

tiptoppc 19

And what of the crusades and what happened there? What of the pope that sided with hitler. You don’t get to claim yourself part of a group that commits atrocities and then try to excuse yourself from the pack mentality it proposes. No religion is peaceful and if I recall correctly, God has a body count higher than Satan, literally, in the book you preach from. So, a real “Christian” is a horrible human.

Sadly, as repugnant as being in the KKK might be, it is not illegal so, there is nothing to report to anyone. 😢

dorworters 9

after this happened, were you oKKK?

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I'm assuming when he talked to you about naggers you took that literally??? Seriously how do you not know your boyfriend is a racist prick? ydi

SoFly34 0