Old school cool

By omfgitburns - 06/01/2011 14:54

Today, I had a plaster cast removed from my arm. After telling the nurse it felt like the saw was cutting my skin, she tells me there is no way that it could touch my skin and that I was being paranoid. She cracked open the cast. Burns, blisters and bleeding skin were revealed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 516
You deserved it 2 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

THAT HAPPENED TO ME! the nurse said the same thing. I have the scar to prove it ..

lol she's and idiot, no nurse should ever say something like that.


All you should have said is: "So...the cast removal is free now, right?" once it came off like that. I'd imagine that lesions would look pretty different from how saw cuts would look. Lesions probably wouldn't exist just where the saw was used, while saw cuts, obviously, would only exist there. Before freaking out about the nurse, think about where your arm was cut and decide whether it was lesions or the saw before you do anything further.

usnwife 18

could the saw not have irritated the lesions? so while they may be everywhere they are only bleeding where the saw cut - so yes, damage from the saw, but not actual cuts?

The same thing happened to me when I had the cast removed from my leg after I broke my ankle. I told the nurse it felt like it was cutting my skin, and she said there was no way it could do that, and then she took the cast off and there was a gash on my leg, right along the line she had cut, She still denied it, and said the cast must have scraped my leg when she took it off. But it was way too deep a cut for it to have just been scraped by the edge of the cast. I feel your pain. :/

a lawsuit is in order ...... sue them. hit them where it hurts and they will ensure it doesn't happen again to another patient.

i broke my thumv amd had a cast. i too was worried about it. he showed me that it cant cut skim and put it on his arm. it didmt cut him. so.YDI for havimg a skin disorder

caiitlynnx 0

#14..it's spelled lesions. and op, totally not your fault! stupiiddddd nurses.

LucieLastic 7

"Explain how this is not the nurses/hospitals fault? Sue them and set a pecident.." Precedent. Use some apostrophes. Etc.

crankymama 2

it is possible for a cast saw to cut skin. if the wrong amount of pressure is used, and if an old or dull blade, is used,serious injury can occur. only properly trained people should be using a cast saw, when trained they tell you that it IS possible to cut and burn someone if not careful. i have been doing cast removal for 8 years, never injured anyone. report the nurse, and i would look for a new doctor if no action is taken

R3SSI3 0