Old school cool

By omfgitburns - 06/01/2011 14:54

Today, I had a plaster cast removed from my arm. After telling the nurse it felt like the saw was cutting my skin, she tells me there is no way that it could touch my skin and that I was being paranoid. She cracked open the cast. Burns, blisters and bleeding skin were revealed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 516
You deserved it 2 871

Same thing different taste

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THAT HAPPENED TO ME! the nurse said the same thing. I have the scar to prove it ..

lol she's and idiot, no nurse should ever say something like that.


monnanon 13

Im sorry but the saw would not have caused blisters and lacerations. Its probably a more likely case that the heat, lack of light etc caused your skin to itch and maybe react. If you are one of those who used a fork or spoon to scratch inside the cast then that explains the blood. I did feel pain getting a cast removed because the vibrations were shaking newly healed bone but even with the saw touching my skin at one point I never even had a tiny cut. I cant help but think that most people who said they were cut by the saw maybe had already damaged thier skin.

If there was blood, I'd assume OP meant it was fresh blood. Why would they freak out over dried, crusty old blood? You can't sit there and say "that saw cut me" if the blood isn't fresh.

The abundance of "that happened to me too" stories are pretty clear indicators that they SHOULD know it CAN damage skin. Considering how often you need to keep medical licensing renewed you'd think it would be common knowledge by now.

sofiaiswhoiam 0

here's a story, when i saw this post i was like "eww!" but then i read all the comments and almost half of them were "sue!!". and now i didn't have an account but when i saw this, i signed up so i can comment on this. i signed up only for this 1 post!! just want to tell you, don't sue because its not worth it. I do feel bad and all but it's not worth suing. those kind of things happen ALOT. and may i just add, i'm 12. and i know this. and if you do end up suing, have fun. but if you win, good 4 u. enjoy :) thank you to all the ppl that said "sue" because now that made me get an account and now i can tell ppl how stupid they're acting. you gave me a reason :)

I've removed enough casts to know that while the saw doesn't cut skin, it does get hot fast. A wet rag is usually around to keep the blade cool. If the plaster is thick, the blade can definitely get hot enough to burn skin. I've seen it first hand.

sofiaiswhoiam 0

idk how it works so idk who to believe but i find it hard to believe that it did that, maybe it was a reaction from the cast or something. u guys tell me and all the other ppl that are STILL insisting to sue the nurse.

hytryfgsywty 0

it's a dull edged motorized wheel not a chainsaw if u hold it to ur skin it just vibrates it doesn't cut it cracks precisely along the guided line I've broken numerous bones retards maybe the nurse didn't kno he had blisters cus that's not really normal remember wen ppl worked and earned money now u sue the crap out of walmart if u slip

For one, my arm was cut when I had my wrist cast taken off. It was certainly not a burn or anything else. It was obviously a fresh cut. My doctor didn't believe me either when I said that it started to hurt. But he was surprised when he saw it. Although, I don't know if that technology has changed since then (12 years ago). Perhaps many of those denying this post have had experiences with a different type of wheel that couldn't cut, as mine was saw like and cut. Secondly, there's no good lawsuit here. While I'm not a lawyer (yet) I am in law school. It would cost far more in lawyer's fees than you'd ever get in a lawsuit for such relatively mild harm (not to diminish your pain, but legally this is mild). This nurse wouldn't be at fault, even if she did use too much pressure, unless you can prove she should have known or that there's some medical standard that she wasn't adhering to, but it seems like many medical practitioners still aren't aware that these wheels can cause damage (I have no idea why not). The makers of the wheel wouldn't be at fault either as they aren't responsible for a nurse's error, unless the product is defective or inherently dangerous (which it can't be because many people have not had negative results). Best case scenario is that you'd get paid off by the nurse's insurance so they don't have to deal with you in court, although you'd still need a lawyer. I could go on and on as to why a lawsuit would not be fruitful in this case, but this is probably more than enough.

I have had three casts off and that has never happened to me....