One day…

By CaeliLady - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my friend and I were at the mall and saw a "Grow Your Own Boyfriend" toy. I remarked that I already had one of those, and she freaked out, very loudly and openly, about me "finally having a boyfriend". I had to embarrassingly explain I meant I had the toy... not an actual boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 435
You deserved it 6 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What's the point of those toys? That's retarded. And it's pretty obvious what you meant; when I read this, I knew you were talking about the toy. You'd say you already "had one," not "had one of those." FYL cause you have an idiot friend

Just remember to give it plenty of water and sunlight, and soon you too will have a boyfriend!


lifeislife_fml 0

I hate it when people make huuuge scenes out of little things (like friends supposedly having boyfriends) in public.

cheetahboo2010 5

Umm it's not a TOTAL shame not to have a boyfriend, definitely not worth making it as an FML.

most girls wish they could make their boy friends grow. more so in asian men specifically

Apparently you don't know much about vaginas. After 4 inches, we can't really feel it anymore. Asian men are perfectly capable of satisfying me, and they have.

You're in Kansas and don't have a boyfriend? What's the matter, not have any brothers?

Kansas is not a Southern state. Get your stereotypes correct, dude.

If it makes you feel any better, I've never had a boyfriend, either, and I couldn't care less whether people think I'm late for it or not. Do your own thing, on your own time, screw everyone else.

aremymind 0

I hoped you where going to make a giant penis joke but that wouldn't be an FML

One of my friends bought me a "grow your own boyfriend" for my birthday one year. She said it was so I would stop dating so many real ones and leave some for everyone else.

Blackpuppy15 0

what is a grow your own boyfriend toy? I have lived a sheltered life

ckrider64 8