One last thing…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. She came over to see me one last time. We hugged for minutes and cried; it was a touching moment. Just after she left, I realized my wallet that I had on the table beside us was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 012
You deserved it 4 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

look on the bright side, if you guys were married and divorced it would have cost you a lot more than your wallet

tyrob911 0

haha your gf is still in love with your wallet lol


perdix 29

She probably thought that since you were such a limp-dick crybaby bitch that she needed to be paid for the time she wasted on you.

LOL. I would have done the same thing! Men are so easy to fool with! They act all tough but their all total suckers! 

Yes, because women never get fooled. So there's no need to worry about making less money doing the same job a man will or paying more for the same car, home loan, etc, right?

you just have to know what buttons to push and when to push 'em.

I just love the whole men are easy to trick thing WELL THEN if we are so easy to trick, Trick a Rapist into not raping you :P

so where were women if men were so easily fooled from 0-1910? yea still in the kitchen where they belong.

somethingnew319 0

y would she want ur wallet u lier there was probably nothing in it

hire a bounty hunter to get her/ your wallet

omnistryder 0

ever hear of cops? she stole something thereby breaking the law and you know who did it

Entity4Infinity 0

if shes ur ex, then i say cops, one she stole something, two gives you every right to be mad.

Uhm what kind of girlfriend is that. Your story sounded cheesy haha

They always break the bank and the heart >.

Dumped by a kleptomaniac who steals your broke ass wallet. FYL