One last thing…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. She came over to see me one last time. We hugged for minutes and cried; it was a touching moment. Just after she left, I realized my wallet that I had on the table beside us was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 012
You deserved it 4 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

look on the bright side, if you guys were married and divorced it would have cost you a lot more than your wallet

tyrob911 0

haha your gf is still in love with your wallet lol


look on the bright side, if you guys were married and divorced it would have cost you a lot more than your wallet

blland 0

the time you will need to spend to get all your IDs back is priceless.

******* bitch! run after her and punch her till she gives it back

why would she take your wallet? i agree your life sucks


second. wow that's terrible. find the bitch and get it back!

tyrob911 0

haha your gf is still in love with your wallet lol

carpetlotion 0

Don't punch her! Just steal her money(: hahha

Congrats on being first, a prize is being sent to you as we speak, when you recieve it, please kindly shove it up your ass...As for the OP, your now ex-girlfriend is a bitch. She breaks up with you then steals your wallet? I say get it back, tell her parents or something. A great man once saidm, "Dont get upset, get even!"

Wolfwood187 0

I totally agree with this here... But telling her parents is too easy, I'd shoot for some property damage myself.

Geeze, you guys are harsh. You don't have to beat her up. If you really want it back, call the police or something.

VanessaM474 0

She's an amateur. It's all about slipping the money and cards out of the wallet and leaving it where you found it.