One last thing…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. She came over to see me one last time. We hugged for minutes and cried; it was a touching moment. Just after she left, I realized my wallet that I had on the table beside us was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 012
You deserved it 4 947

Same thing different taste

Top comments

look on the bright side, if you guys were married and divorced it would have cost you a lot more than your wallet

tyrob911 0

haha your gf is still in love with your wallet lol


Nate_d099 0

A touching moment with an ex?? why the heck would you have her back over? sorry but lack of intellect is what stole your wallet.

CheshireHalli 19

What I think happened is: she comes over -> "touching moment" -> break up -> steals wallet I may be wrong though. =/

Nate_d099 0
Shadow_Phantom 26

Most do. There are some that don't though.

this happened to me to this girl hugged me and I had money in my pocket I checked my pocket and $10 was missing -_-

THAT IS THE BEST EXAMPLE OF FML THAT IVE SEEN IN A WHILE !!!! But it touched me u cried (:

iamgoofymovie 0

happyhak that was a tight ass insult at the beginning of ur comment I'm gona have to right that one down....u totally got him with that one..

rooskieroo 0

wow..that's pretty heartless. you need to track her down or report is stolen if there's a credit card or anything in there =/