By MexyBoy - 13/08/2009 05:23 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 8 months and I broke up. We decided to give back everything we ever bought for each other. I gave her the stuff she bought me and when I asked for my stuff she said she'd sold it and spent the money on herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 857
You deserved it 6 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, FYL. She's a real catch...shoulda dumped her sooner. Take back the stuff she bought you! They were all gifts, after all.


Wow, FYL. She's a real catch...shoulda dumped her sooner. Take back the stuff she bought you! They were all gifts, after all.

It doesn't take much logic or insight to see that SHE broke up with him... since she had ALREADY sold 'his' stuff?!?!? It's cool to give back stuff, but you can't really expect to get stuff from the other person. Since she 'agreed' to give it back but didn't, she deserves some street justice. Get ALL your friends to text her like 10 times a day w/ "Give him the $$ for his stuff!" Call her folks, late at night. Call her boss if she's got a job... Finish what she started.

Martianrobot67 0

first of all, shes a bitch for seeling your shit. second, you better ask her for that ******* money then!! im serious dude if shes willing to throw away 8 months like that then its gonna come with a price.

theice 0

sue that hoe for getting rid of yur property

Why did you agree to return the gifts in the first place?

my thoughts exactly! what are you? 13 years old? You don't exchange gifts back when you split up! Thats kiddie shit.

Agreed, it's just stupid is what it is. Hell, when I was a kid I never asked for stuff back, that's just pathetic.

for real, OP is an indian giver, but still F his Life for spendin so much money and expecting it back

Bullshet 0

Either ask for the money back or take all the stuff back.


She sold the stuff, it's kind of hard to just ask for it back. :/

#31. #6 was talking about the stuff the OP was returning to his ex-girlfriend, not the stuff he was supposed to get back

FYL, shes horriable. ask for the money from her

how much stuff did you buy for each other when you were only together 8 months?

YDI for giving your girlfriend Clay Aiken underwear!

How much could you have bought in 8 months? Sounds to me like she's holding on to your stuff? Maybe she aint over you =P