One way or another

By embarrassed - 08/10/2012 09:12 - Australia - Morphett Vale

Today, despite having a mild case of the flu, I visited my boyfriend's house and watched a movie with his parents. During the movie, I felt the sudden urge to sneeze. Trying to hold it in, I managed to do the loudest fart I've ever done in my life. Everyone heard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 003
You deserved it 6 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheDrifter 23

The pressure has to go somewhere. Just be glad out came out dry.


Mild case of the flu? I think you are over exaggerating a cold..

Gee, how wonderfully considerate of you to infect your bf's entire household with the flu...

Farting instantly makes you disgusting? It's a natural bodily function that you really have no control over, and clearly everyone does it. By your logic everyone is disgusting. Besides the OP would have farted even if they did sneeze, it's not like holding in a sneeze actually causes you to fart.

Heaven forbid that someone farts. It's not like it's a natural body function just like sneezing.

UncleMuscles 5

At least it wasn't a solid, right?

Oh shit you guys are going to have to fight winner takes all.....ready Go!!

UncleMuscles 5

Mine doesn't have the web address at the bottom so ha.

Mine shows my loyalty to nine gag. Give credit where it's deserved.

We can both agree it's an amazing photo ;)

YDI OP, the flu is contagious, like what if you got everyone sick there? You should thin twice before going out sick, especially if you have the flue, if even the most minor of cases.

ElishaisSexy2016 9

Please tell me it wasn't liquid...

Why did you try to hold in the sneeze in the first place?

Schizomaniac 24

I'll never understand some of the people mentioned in these stories. Not this one in particular, but most of the time it seems that people blow shit out of proportion (no pun intended). Like in the previous FML, the dude walked away with a "horrified look" after the chick accidentally blew a snot bubble. I wouldn't be surprised if this one ended in "and then they exiled me from their home and cursed my bloodline." Things happen, people. Get the **** over it.

At least you didn't have diarrhea. A sneeze fart is nothing compared to a sneeze shit.