
By rawr117 - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, while working at the local paintball place, I noticed a girl without the safety on her paintball gun. I approached and reminded her to put the safety on, to which she replied "Don't worry, I'm not going to shoot you." And then she did. In the nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 615
You deserved it 661

Top comments

ShinnamonBun 7

I don't think your sacks are happy anymore

I guess that makes them sad sacks now!


ShinnamonBun 7

I don't think your sacks are happy anymore

I guess that makes them sad sacks now!

Please, God, please tell me the paint was blue!

DanielleD93 16

Now if that were a real gun....

Lobby_Bee 17

She is telling you she has a boyfriend.

galacticstorm 6

That's one hell of a way to say so. A simple "I'm taken" would have sufficed.

guest46423455764 0

Your "Happy sacks" ?? Are you like 12 or something?

From my experience of gaming with 12 year olds, trust me when I say they come up with way more colourful/vulgar terms than "happy sacks"

"...and that's how I met your mother ...and why we adopted you"

zeffra13 31

I hope you had her kicked out for that.

lukcy_basartd 11

Some women: Ditzy. Cute. Careless. 1 love.

That's what you get for "Mansplaining"