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Mad Maxine

By faza4327 - 06/04/2011 07:43 - Australia

Today, I was on my way home on my bike when a lady in a 4WD cut me off while beeping her horn and calling me a "stupid f**ker who should get a proper education." In her car, she was smoking, and her three children weren't wearing seat belts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 486
You deserved it 3 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

report her plates, it's at least a $100 fine per kid

it's illegal to smoke in cars with children under 16 here... although it's idiotic to smoke around any child, any time!


More like white trash. There's a BIG difference between redneck, and white trash. That's offensive to me, having plenty of family members who are rednecks. White trash is just that.. TRASH!

Australia, the Alabama of the rest of the world.

OH HELLLLLLL NO! Hehe, we are not all bogans!

I going to go with white trash rednecks

sara8866 8

Anyone who smokes in the car with their children in the backseat is ghetto!!!!

To bad you didn't see the dead biker in the trunk.

mintcar 9

59, really? Tell me more about how being " ghetto" works, since you seem to know so much about it. I don't understand how that makes her white trash either. She /is/ stupid though. Wrong also.

callofduty4life 0
ejejeje 0

oh and 86, you're so right because your opinion is much more significant? you're a ******* idiot. unless since you're black that means you know all about being ghetto.

mintcar 9

"Unless since I'm black I know all about being ghetto?" ^Wait...what?! And /I'm/ the idiot?

mintcar 9

It's not my fault you lack basic reading comprehension skills. You might want to re-read my above statement. Herpderp

hihi1212 1

me to ... your pretty hot baby ;)

hihi1212 1

56's profile pic is basically a fourth of his face. How do you know that he's hot? Smh

you're all wrong. ghetto refers to an area of housing, so unless you have reason to believe she was living in her car.... ghetto doesn't have a place in this xD

Completely agree, nevermind whatever word you use. Stupid people like this make me sick. it scares me how blind humans can be.

How do we know she's white? Or not white? Or Asian? Or any other race in between? ****, does that shit even matter? No, this bitch is trashy no matter what.

69_jackson_69 0

SMHSMHSMHSMHSMHSMHSMHSMHSMHSMH shut the **** up about SMH, I don't even know what it means. By the way that's not an encouragement for everyone to post random answers to the monomial SMH.

prince122 0

woh OP didnt say she was white

none of this matters. not any of it. I understand you ppl have your opinions but it's gotten to the point where an adult needs to step in & say that #1 was just being funny. nothing more, nothing less. get over it, kids.

hihi1212 1

102 because i can see half and its hot!!!

CommonSenseKarma 17

you have to live in the south to actually understand these terms lol

CommonSenseKarma 17

Damn, I must not know what ghetto means MY APOLOGIES

AceArctic 4

I'm getting really sick of the "politically correct" arguments on here. Ghetto, redneck, white trash are all slang to mean pretty much the same thing so get over yourselves and grow up. PC is just a lame excuse to be an ass wipe. Hihi1212 the other half of his face could be f***ed up like Twoface. Don't assume.

TrueTexan 0

33- agreed!(= love your profile too! I ain't creepin I just had to see what the picture was lol

again i say: her type of education is corn x corn= biscutt... now eat your dinner pumpkin

skya_leigh 0

actually it is kind of ghetto. in some states its illegal to smoke with kids in the car.

How about just ignorant? 1.) You don't know if she's white, so she can't be "white trash" 2.) Redneck doesn't describe her actions you dickheads quit being so stereotypical 3.) The same from 2 applies to her being ghetto. Think....learn before you speak. She's just an ignorant bitch and hopefully her kids don't end up like her!

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TheDrifter 23

I thought you were lauding her acceptance of her place in the grand scheme of Darwinian evolution.

so what if your not serious. ppl on fml like to hide Their evil or stupidity by saying "I'm joking"

C6Racer 0

Are you all stupid? Who the hell says "I'm joking" after saying a joke on FML. Newbies smh.

You people don't have a sense of humour.

KiddNYC1O 20

In the process, she hit a light pole causing it to fall on Bano360's head killing him instantly.

Burbman 1

Actually drifter, she's well on her way of being a success in Darwinian evolution. She reached reproductive age, and spawned offspring. She's more successful at this point than me for the latter.

kaylaroxxurmom 0

hahahahaha funniest thing I've ever read!

If that did happen, 1 less idiot and her 3 to-be idiots. I agree with 2.

she could get arrested for smoking with kids in the car. Just saying.

And me. There is NO fixing stupid. And the bitch has THREE future dumbasses in tow? May as well take them out of the gene pool now before they do any real damage.

lol.. you could of at least just said "when the 3 of them are in the hospital" but no... you killed them lol

curse her all u wsnt but leave the kids out.. ;(

I don't get this? She cuts you off beeping and while she's beeping you hear "stupid ****** who needs a proper education" Your saying she said all that in a couple seconds implying that the speed limit wasn't above 25mph.

Well the children didn't do anything wrong it is just the fact that she is a dumb bitch who doesn't deserve the privileges of life.

Don't worry about it, what does she know about you?

#3 it would be easier to shrug off if she (and many other road users) hadn't felt the need to try and RUN MOTORCYCLISTS OFF THE ROAD. For no apparent reason. It sucks that people do that.

yeah on the Trace people actually target bicyclist to try and run them over or knock them off.. idk if this post said bicycle or motetcycle but they are all treated the same/. but sometimes these "cyclists" don't know how to get out of the way and hold up traffic

WallyTheWombat 0

Yea lots of people don't seem to see me when I'm on my motorcycle and other people are really rude to me if I'm not going as fast as they want or w/e. Another thing that irks me is when people on motorcycles cut between cars at a light or during traffic to be in the front. One day I might "accidentally" open my door at the wrong time.

Maybe someone should listen to their own advice. OP pay no mind to people like that, or do something that would piss them off even more. :)

You must have the vision and hearing of Superman to be able to notice all of that in the half second it takes a car to pass a bike....

Rashadd 6

Not to mention the woman could have slowed down to yell at him and therefore likely had the window open. Though I doubt her sentence took long to say. OP - Just ignore her, what does she know about you? She's stupid enough to not make her kids wear seatbelts and smoke in front of them.

mismonroe 0

If she cut OP, I'm assuming that OP was behind the vehicle. Very quick observations.

But to cut someone off don't you have to overtake them, just badly? Therefore surely there must have been some time during which the car and bike were side by side...

report her plates, it's at least a $100 fine per kid

it's about $270 here in aust where OP is, but I'm not sure if that's per kid or car!

Blacksmokehick 0
Pizzamaster 0

You had time to notice the kids not wearing seat belts?

That's not really a hard thing to notice if the kids aren't sitting properly.

Well, the one hanging off the window kind've gave it away.

The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

and then in this case the tree falls over and crushes the apples.

She's the one who's life sucks! Your the better person, keep on biking. :)

You don't know that.. OP could be an abusive, drug addict, child molester.

shibainu519 0
SirEBC 7

You should've thrown your crowns up and pulled your glock on the bitch to show her what the **** was up.

I'd be careful of those kids, if they have glocks of their own this is gonna end in bloodshed.