
By boomstick - 25/09/2009 13:09 - United States

Today, I pulled a bee off of my friend's dog because we were worried he could be allergic. Of course I got stung, and of course the dog wasn't allergic. Turns out I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 622
You deserved it 5 388

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sounds like the dog didn't get stung. So how do you know the dog isn't allergic to bee stings? Maybe you saved the dog's life.

maybe she doesn't know the difference between wasps and bees?


For the dumbasses who thinks it's not possible for a bee to sting twice, it is. the bee dies if the stinger gets ripped out of its body...That doesn't mean the stinger can't just barely pierce the skin and sting the dog, then sting the OP. I've been stung by bees 5 times and am VERY allergic to bees...2 out of those 5 times, stinger stayed on the bee. As for you, OP. You did the right thing. Good job. Always better to be safe rather than sorry.