
By revalc - 16/08/2009 04:35 - Canada

Today, I'm having my housewarming party and had prepared food, drink, and games for all the 19 confirmed guests on Facebook. I waited till 11, but nobody showed up. I checked Facebook again and realized I had accidentally put tomorrow as the party date. I have to work the whole day tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 603
You deserved it 51 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's ok. My friend did that too. I hope you can fix it up and reschedule. Everyone makes mistakes. :D


Maybe next time invite them personally instead of using Facebook.

i think so too. when you are inviting people personally you have to TELL them the date and i doubt that you wouldnt check it and get it wrong in this case

you didnt deserve it that happened to me, i booked out a bar for my birthday and in the facebook event it said from 10:00 pm - 5:00 am friday night - saturday morning and when it came up on the events it said saturday (the finishing day) instead of friday so most people thought it was the saturday night .. thankfully most people called me to say happy bday and found out it was on the friday and enough people came to satisfy the $7000 bar tab requirements so it all worked out ok

thereitgo 1

finally a different one. I was expecting this to be just another lame ass "oh noes nobody showed up but my mom did" or some more crap like that. YDI though cuz that's still stupid.

pelly_fml 0

You deserve it for inviting them through facebook

Well at least they don't hate you and just didn't come because you're stupid.

WoLfNiNja3 0

Ur lucky you have friends soMe people don't but I do

lobby0ne 0

Da-da-da-DUMB... For once though I'm not going to hold FaceBook against you; it's a good, quick way to organize things like this. Call in sick? If your boss doesn't know your facebook, that is...

tangerine_12 0

i was gonna say that, i mean, who cares? just call in sick, you wont get fired unless yur completely stupidd. :P

PoolOfIck 0

and thats why they have kittens :3