Pay attention!

By anonymous - 04/12/2010 12:03 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend and I were arguing about how he was too busy for me. During that conversation, he was texting his best friend and then called by his brother to drive him home. Instead of returning to finish our conversation, he left to prepare for his fishing trip with his mates tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 344
You deserved it 6 085

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xlossofmex 0

You need to make him choose. A relationship takes two. If he isn't willing to put in time for you then you need to find someone else.

I would break up with him. if he can't focus when you're talking to him about something that's important to you he doesn't seem worth it.


Dont waste the time that he IS spending with u arguing with him and maybe he will WANT to spend more time with you and meanwhile stop whining and get a hobby

Michigan_Girl 0

This is a dumb FML...How did this even get in here?

op you're just there for convience. from a guy's POV he can be with or without you a this point. drop him!

You can change him. He's just never had a girl who can make him realize how all-encompassing true love really is. Encourage him to tell you how he feels several times a day. And BTW, he totally wants you to come on the trip, so you should probably show up as a surprise. He'll love it.

"You can change him." ^This is probably the most disturbing comment I have read in all the time I've been reading FML. Wow. You remind me of the married sister in the movie Knocked Up when she talks about Oprah saying that people can be trained - you have to constantly put them down til they feel so low that they have to make a change. Loving someone is loving them warts and all, not choosing to keep certain qualities and "working" on the rest. He's not her child. She's not responsible for shaping his character/behaviour. If things go well in the relationship, there will be a natural "change" as he chooses to make her more central in his life and take her into consideration on a more regular basis with the decisions he makes. His ultimate core person, however, will not change. Because people do not change. Not really. If she has a serious issue with something that is fundametally him, then that issue will always be there. She should move on if that's the case.

Actually, I thought Irish was being sarcastic.