Pay your respects

By whymyliferose - 03/06/2011 04:47 - United States

Today, my boss's cat died. I'm expected to attend the service. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 154
You deserved it 4 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In Republic of Korea, that would be lunchtime.

roeroe66 0

I thought cats had 9 lives!!?


buy him thunder cats on dvd. show you really care...

monnanon 13

Your boss has every right to mourn for his cat but no right to demand you do that too. its not your pet and though everyone should be respectful when someone grieves for a pet there is no need to attend its funeral. The only exception to this rule is the death of your kids pet (not one like a cat/dog since they are family pets) when your kid is distraught over their goldfish then Im sorry in that instance your gonna have to suck it up and go.

BigEyedOwl 1

bring cat nip..It might come back alive

So?! is it really that hard to be there for someone when they lose a relationship they loved? Just do it.

Just suck it up and Put on your Big Girl/Boy Panties and go. Quit your wining and have a little compassion. Besides that, DO YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR JOB ? Obvioulsy that cat meant alot to your boss and he just needs to get through this difficult time, and it would probobly mean alot to him if his trusted employees were there for support.

twinklestars7216 0

a very easy way to get a boss to like you. definitely attend.