People of Walmart

By Anonymous - 21/01/2015 14:34 - United States

Today, at Walmart, a crazy old woman bitched me out for being pregnant. She kept following me around, calling me a stupid teen slut and saying she hoped my baby died so I could live a "normal life." I'm 26 and just very short. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 978
You deserved it 2 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments

K_kanaka 26

Please tell me she was arrested.

What a disgusting excuse for a human being.


CaroAurelia 12

Wow, that is just evil. First of all, that's a good reason not to harass people you think are teen mothers, because some people just look younger than they are. And even if someone was a teenage mother, they don't deserve that. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, and I wish you a healthy, lovely baby who accomplishes great things.

"I'm 26, you crazy old hag. Get lost." Now, was that so difficult?

Of course the old lady is going to believe her

ImpracticalJoekr 9

Why do people feel it's their right to make strangers feel like shit? Even if you were a teen it's none of her business. I would have told her how old I was and then prove it just to make her feel really stupid and get her off my back. Thats such an awful thing to say to someone.

That's horrible. I'm sorry, OP. I hope you and your baby are both healthy and doing well. Congrats on becoming a mommy!!!

Damn, some old people don't have filters when they're talking and just say whatever the **** they want. I would've slapped that lady and told her to **** off. Even if she's old or not, that lady deserved a slap. No one should wish anyone's unborn baby to die. Ignore assholes like that, OP. You're clearly the better one.

I'd press charges against her for harassment. Especially if she was saying stuff like that.

WasabiMars 21

This one needs a follow-up. Damn those crazy walmart people really never go away.

Maybe she was saying that because her life was ruined by having kids too young. Or she's just a crazy old lady. I would have looked her dead in the face and "I'm 26 years old and I don't need a stranger harassing me for my life choices!"

Sounds like you ran into my estranged mother-in-law. my deepest apologies, and sincere congratulations for the new baby!

You must look amazing then, OP! But on the flip side i would have told her "you would know since you've got one foot in your grave and one on a banana peel!"